Archive Reference: EPH/A/112, 3 items

Farley Clock Tower was erected in 1897 as a memorial to Alderman Reuben Farley in Carters Green, West Bromwich. The reason I chose this is because it is a living memory for me since I was a child. I lived in Carters Green during my childhood and early working life. To this day the clock is still working and keeping correct time. When I walk or drive past the Clock Tower, I always check the time to see if it is still correct.
The plan was drawn by architect Edward Pincher, with relief panels by Albert Hopkins. The base has a continuous inscription detailing, ‘This tower was erected in recognition of the public services of Alderman Reuben Farley JP’, as well as relief panels of the Town Hall, Oak House and Reuben Farley. The tower is surmounted by an openwork dome with a decorative finial and weather vane.
Among the items is a Programme for the clock tower’s opening ceremony, dated 27th October 1897, along with notes on the height of the clock tower, estimated by Harry J. Webb Esq., Watch and Clock Repairer.
– as selected by Judy, Archives Customer Service Officer.